Our Calendar Server

Here is the documentation for our calendar server.

This is an SQL-free server. A simple flat filesystem was used to by-pass SQL/DB headaches. Installation of our server is easy since you do not need to worry about installing or connecting to a database.

"Each programmer should see all the material" -- Fred Brooks

"Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow" -- Linus' Law

Following Fred Brooks' philosophy, we want everyone to see our source code. By allowing more people to view the code, bugs can be found and reported. The source files and headers are packaged below in a tarred, gzipped file. Our server was written in C++.

We also wrote a calendar client, but it is for group 18's server. You can obtain the JAVA source code and byte code in following tarred, gzipped file. Group 18's web page can be reached at http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~price/serverwebpage.html

Additional Help

If you have any questions or need help implementing the calendar client, please feel free to email:

Joveria Asif, asif@ecf.utoronto.ca
Khalid Mufti, mufti@ecf.utoronto.ca
David Tam, davidkftam@netscape.net

We will be glad to help you out. =)

Last updated:

David Tam
Friday, May 21, 1999.